Supreme Prediction [DU.LTD96]

Supreme Prediction

Written and produced by WDE and pisica
Label: Detroit Underground / cat.# DU.LTD96
2024 / 5 songs, 23 min 44 sec

In the vast, infinite embrace of the ocean, solace is found. The weight of sorrow and pain dissolves into the rhythmic whispers of the waves. In the quietude of the sea, peace emerges, a gentle balm for the restless soul. A longing entrusted to the sea, where every ripple carries whispers of forgotten dreams and unspoken hopes.

A journey through the depths of personal wounds, a quest for cleansing and renewal. The music, dark and somber, yet infused with an unyielding hope, guides through the shadows, promising light. The essence of deep space and the mysteries of the sea intertwine, creating a tapestry of sound that reflects both the vastness of the cosmos and the hidden secrets of the ocean’s depths.

A longing entrusted to the sea, a place where the mind can find peace. Memories of the mist and moonlit tales float like dreams, offering a sense of calm amidst the turmoil. The melancholy melodies hold a promise that, despite the darkness, better days lie ahead.

In this symphony of sorrow and hope lies the Supreme Prediction—a testament to resilience and the enduring human spirit. This collection of sounds is more than mere music; it is an invitation to explore an inner sanctuary. A haven for those seeking respite from the chaos, a reflection of resilience, and a promise that, in the boundless expanse of the ocean and the cosmos, there is always a place for healing and renewal. Through this journey, may the listener find a touch of serenity, a glimmer of hope, and a reminder that in the boundless expanse of the ocean and the cosmos, there is always a place for healing and renewal.

Written, arranged and produced by




WDE ♥ 2020-2024